
Speed up Workflows with Data Processing Automation


As organizations look for ways to improve operational efficiency, they are turning to data processing automation (DPA). DPA eliminates tedious tasks involving data entry or data extraction. Using your computers to do these tasks allows employees to focus on higher-value work that only humans can do.

We offer DPA solutions as a part of the EfficienctMe! suite of services.

What is DPA?

A data process automation solution is software that automates many tasks that your staff perform on their computers daily. We’re talking about boring and repetitive tasks. And, we’re talking about the kind of work that isn’t challenging or rewarding. 

On the other hand, it’s the kind of work that is prone to errors. As employees fight with themselves to stay focused and engaged, they can slow down or make mistakes. They can begin to feel like a robot. Despite being paid a fair wage, they begin to long for opportunities to do work that gives them a sense of fulfillment. Data automation makes it possible for your employees to feel more invested in their work.

Data processing automation includes tasks like data extraction or data entry. These clerical tasks involve harvesting data and moving it between documents and applications. For example, if you have employees spending long hours entering data on digital forms, there’s a data processing automation solution for your business.

The Full Potential of Computer Automation

Consider the strengths of computers. They can work 24/7 without making mistakes or growing weary. Using process automation, we can develop scripts for data extraction. We can build applications for clerical data entry tasks so that you can assign your staff to a more valuable task that only a person can do.

The benefits of DPA are numerous and offer a wide array of competitive advantages.

Executive Summary of Benefits

  • Rapid implementation – typically operational service in 6 weeks.
  • Increase Profits – book more sales without additional overhead.
  • Easy implementation – click and run in attended or unattended mode.
  • ROI – 350% and more within the first year.
  • Reduced Costs – DPA price is far less than human labor.
  • Increased value – as you add additional automation and use over time.
  • Adapted for the future – open platform developed for digital future.
  • Quickly scales – automation learns quicker than human.
  • Increase throughput – automation is faster than humans and works 24/7.
  • Ensure compliance – automation delivers results with 100 percent accuracy.
  • Improved Analytics for Workflow Management – records every action in the process.
  • Improved Scalability – DPA solutions are designed for ease of scalability.
  • Increase employee engagement – lets employees focus on the value-add activities.
  • Easily scalable – as your enterprise grows, you can scale up the power of automation to match your changing needs.
  • Far More Effective Use of Staff Resources – computers perform mundane and repetitive work.
  • A Clear Advantage Over Competitors – produces a sizable performance advantage over competitors who lack such a system.

Data Processing Automation Explained

Redundant and mundane activity is common in all organizations – it’s costly and inefficient.

Inefficiency in business administration costs money, wastes time, diminishes work quality, increases risk and prevents you from focusing on the strategic decisions that drive your business forward. 

The areas of inefficiency

  1. Money – 27% of profits lost to hidden inefficiencies.
  2. Time – up to 42% of employee’s inefficient daily activity can be reduced.
  3. Work Quality – repetitive mundane work creates errors. 
  4. Risk – to organization increases due to errors the longer the repetitive task.
  5. Strategy – incorrect trajectory of a business can be incredibly costly.

Data Processing Automation (DPA) resolves these issues by enhancing efficiency in areas of your organization that you may not have known were possible.

Resolution to the Problem

Work smarter not harder and retain more profits.

More organizations are turning to data process automation (DPA) to eliminate tedious tasks, freeing corporate workers to focus on higher value work.

DPA consists of five steps:

  1. Discovery
  2. Programming
  3. Testing
  4. Operations
  5. Review

What once took hours for a human to perform will only take minutes for the computer, relieving the individual to perform higher valued tasks and become more efficient at their daily work. This reduces stress, reduces work hours, and of course, increases operational efficiency for greater profits.  DatCom is the only firm to offer this service (903) 842-2220

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