
Increase Business Efficiency and Enhance Your Workplace Culture for Greater Profits.

EfficientMe! is a business efficiency solution that combines 3 services to improve operational efficiency and increase profits in ways that many business leaders haven’t considered. Imagine your technology, your people, and your processes working together in seamless harmony with a greater return on investment and less overhead. Other business efficiency consultants might specialize in just one of these areas. But we bring them together in a powerful package for a winning business strategy. In other words, we help people, processes, and technology work together more efficiently.

Our proprietary services are Data Processing Automation, Staff Enhancement, and Business Process Optimization

Now, we can’t wait to tell you about each service in greater detail, but what we’re really excited about is how effective it is to combine them. Your business can achieve a whole new level of operational efficiency and agility.  Here’s what it will look like when you come on board with EfficientMe!

  • Increase efficiency by 27%+
  • Improve business processes by 22%
  • Increase profits by 14%
  • Reduce labor cost by 30%
  • Enhance staff value by 200%
  • ROI of greater than 350% in the first year.
  • Increase competitiveness through enhanced agility.
  • Ready to Go in 6 weeks!


A Unique Business Efficiency Solution

EfficientMe! is unique because it depends upon interaction. Each service is effective by itself, but the magic happens when we combine them. We use technology to reduce busywork and create opportunities to enhance your staff.  We help you develop your employees so that they become valuable contributors to the continuous improvement of your business process.

The culture at your business will change as your workers realize their full potential. The combined effect of these services is called synergy and it’s what makes EfficientMe! unlike any other solution.

We were inspired to develop EfficientMe! when saw how much human potential is lost to repetitive work in the office. And now, at a time when businesses struggle to remain fully staffed, it makes sense to increase efficiency and make the most of your valuable employees.

We are on a mission to transform the way people feel about their work, and we are using new tools that combine to form a powerful business efficiency solution.  As dedicated business efficiency consultants, we have the answer for businesses looking to increase competitiveness, profits, and efficiency. Making EfficientMe! a pillar of your business strategy will yield the results you’ve been waiting for.

DatCom -Helping People, Processes, and Technology work together – Smarter

FREE IT Whitepaper

This whitepaper evaluates the differences between traditional technical support practices and modern managed IT practices and the pros and cons of both for small and medium businesses.

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Data Processing Automation (DPA)

Increase staff productivity, reduce errors and increase efficiency.

Staff Enhancement

Increase staff abilities to add value, profits and enhance business culture with simple easy service.

Business Process Optimization(BPO)

Eliminate business inefficiencies to increase agility and competitiveness with higher levels of service.