
Staff Enhancement: Tap into Power of your People


Investing in your staff’s personal and professional development is one of the most overlooked items in developing a business. Our Staff Enhancement service is here to change that as a part of EfficientMe!

Employees Desire Personal and Professional Development

We see it all the time; employers hire someone, train them for their position, and leave the rest to chance.  This approach goes against the grain of optimizing business processes because it prevents employees from realizing their full value to the business.  You already invest a lot in them to bring them on board and keep them. For example, you pay competitive wages, provide benefits, pay taxes, provide a good office, and more. However, your employees are operating at maybe 20 to 52 percent of their capacity without a development plan. Get the most from your investment with our EfficienctMe! Staff Enhancement service.

recent study of more than 1,000 U.S workers found that employees believe their organization does not provide adequate training for its employees. And half of the respondents state that their organizations could benefit from providing more training resources and opportunities for employees.

  • 81 percent of employees report feeling frustrated when they can’t acquire the know-how they need to do their job.
  • 85 percent of employees agree that preserving and sharing unique knowledge in the workplace is critical to increasing productivity.
  • While the average new hire receives 2.5 months of formal training, it can take up to 6 months for an employee to actually ramp up in a new role. These employees often struggle for up to 3.5 months learning the details of their job on their own, seeking out information, and unintentionally replicating work.
  • Half of the respondents state that their organizations should provide more training resources and staff enhancement opportunities.
  • In an era of remote work and increasing job specialization, business leaders must prioritize knowledge sharing to curb productivity losses, reduce employee frustration, and improve the bottom line. This will require technology solutions as well as a shift in organizational culture.

Enhancement is Key to Business Optimization.

With Staff Enhancement, we provide personal development and professional development for your employees so that they can discover their potential value to the organization and to society. You’ll increase efficiency and profits, but you’ll also give the world a better neighbor. They’ll be smarter, more confident, and more competent as a result.

Your workers can learn how to see your organization with new eyes so that they can contribute to optimizing workflows and improving business processes. They can grow to observe the world around them and make improvements. The reputation of your business will grow through the behavior and abilities of your employees.


  • Increase IQ – by 20 points
  • Daily training on various subjects using the Kaizen method.
    • Business development – optimizing business processes and systems.
    • Emotional – steps to increase resilience and harmony in groups.
    • Physical – increase health (nutrition and exercise).
    • Psychological – mental focus.
    • Technology – increase knowledge and proficient use.
    • Cognitive – memorization, decision making, speed thinking.
    • Time Management – increase efficient use of processes.
    • Leadership – optimize business objectives.
    • Spiritual – increase moral values.
  • Increase staff efficiency 42%+.
  • Create harmonious objectives leading to focused outcomes.
  • Mental and morally healthier staff culture.
  • Business objectives efficiently achieved .
  • Enhanced synergistic effect.
  • Enhanced efficiency in all areas of human development.

The DatCom Difference

Many vendors offer staff development programs that only scratch the surface and fail to produce trackable long-term results. Not only that, but they also aren’t combining their program with EfficientMe’s other services designed to synergize with staff enhancement for maximum impact. Also, your supervisors will have to budget time for activities from other vendors. With our DPA service, we save your company time that you can use for staff enhancement.

DatCom’s Staff Enhancement strategy begins with a baseline assessment of your employees’ cognitive abilities. Then, we introduce short daily activities to enhance your employees’ abilities, inspire confidence, and enhance their vision for who they can be and what they can do for their organization.

Lastly, we follow up with monitoring for improvement. We compare baseline tests with new tests to show a staff member’s efficiency gains over time.  As a result, these numbers will allow us to visualize the staff member’s value to the organization and offer retraining or possible placement into a more suitable position.


Assessments to determine level of cognitive function

    • General Assessment
    • Academic 
    • Coordination
    • Memory
    • Perception
    • 55 and older
    • Concentration
    • Analytic
    • Reasoning
    • Motor skill – hand-eye coordination
    • Planning
    • Processing speed
    • Response time

Increase IQ

By as much as 20 points

Daily training on various subjects using the Kaizen method.

    • Business development – optimizing business processes and systems.
    • Emotional – steps to increase resilience and harmony in groups.
    • Physical – increase health (nutrition and exercise).
    • Psychological – mental focus.
    • Technology – increase knowledge and proficiency use.
    • Cognitive – memorization, decision making, speed thinking.
    • Time Management – increase efficient use of processes.
    • Leadership – optimize business objectives.
    • Spiritual – increase moral values.
    • Increase staff efficiency 42%+.

Increasing efficiency using enhanced synergistic effect.

  • Create harmonious objectives leading to focused outcomes.

All staff are tuned and focused to the common business vision.

  • Mental, morally and physically healthier staff culture.

Applying the EfficientMe! service produces a well maintained staff.

  • Business objectives efficiently achieved.

Adjectives are more quickly realized.

  • Enhanced efficiency in all areas of human development.

Services are perpetual and increase employee value over time.

Make Personal Growth a Benefit of Working at Your Organization with Staff Enhancement

If you want your workers to remember that the organization they work for is the place they need to be, you can achieve it by giving them everything they need to for personal and professional development. DatCom’s Staff Enhancement service will inspire their confidence in your leadership.

And that’s what’s missing from many workplaces these days. People go to school to gain the knowledge and skills to begin a career, but they often go to work and stop learning. Moreover, few people take time for self-care and personal development. As a result, they become a robot doing the same routine each day.  This inefficient, robotic activity is costing your business $6,600 per employee in lost productivity. But above all, it devalues your employee and could cause them to look elsewhere for a more fulfilling position. With their basic needs met, complacency will set in unless you provide opportunities for personal growth and professional development.

DatCom’s unique services will totally enhance your organization. First, we automate workflows to save time. Next, we enhance the employee with short, daily training sessions to increase several areas of human development. Finally, we help you optimize your business processes to make them more agile and competitive.

DatCom is the only firm to offer the EfficiencMe service (903) 842-2220

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