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Business Security

Providing business protection with today’s most powerful network and physical security solutions.

Security breaches can ruin everything faster than you can say “Oh, no!” But if you leverage your security the right way, you can protect your network, your data, your physical building-everything you and your staff work so hard to sustain. Dynamic, well-configured security solutions are essential to business continuity. DatCom, LLC is a tour de force when it comes to business security.

Just having security processes in place isn’t enough, however. The people that are seeking to undermine your security systems are highly intelligent and prepared to use whatever they can to get around your security. Our consultants can work with you to find the security solutions your business needs. We are versed in the industry’s very best practices to ensure that your solutions are managed and maintained. There are three aspects to a business security strategy. First, you have to have systems in place to protect your physical location, then you have to deploy systems that are designed to protect your network and data, and finally, you have to have a system in place that trains your staff on what to look for to keep your company at risk.


Physical Security

Our physical security solutions mitigate risk and put a damper on potential threats.

When designing and deploying a physical security system for your business, you have to understand exactly what you are protecting. Today’s business is under siege from all types of security risks. Since most thieves today are looking for more than the money in your register or in your company safe, you have to be prepared with countermeasures to ensure that you, your staff, and your business is not accessible by people that are looking to do harm.

At DatCom, LLC we can provide a number of options that work to outfit your place of business into an extremely secure location. Some of the physical business security solutions we provide include:

  • Digital Signage – Knowledge is power. If you want to ensure your staff, customers, vendors, and other visitors are up to date on important business and security information, setting up a system where information can be broadcast for everyone to see is a good solution.
  • Digital Cameras & CCTV – Businesses with any physical assets need to adopt a surveillance system to protect those assets. Our certified technicians can design, install, and maintain a comprehensive digital surveillance system for your properties that allows for central monitoring and management.
  • Access Control Systems – With a modern access control system, you can manage the flow of people that have access to certain parts of your business. By keeping potential threats out, the risk they would normally pose is successfully mitigated.


Network Security

Securing your network has to be at the top of your organization’s list of priorities.

Technology is at the center of everything you do, and today, there are far more obstacles to overcome if you want to avoid profit sapping downtime, or worst yet, a malware attack that takes down your entire network. The Internet is filled with thieves, and today, thieves aren’t just after your money, they are after any and all money they can get from anyone that touches your business.

At DatCom, LLC, we feature several services designed to keep threats out of your network, reduce downtime, and present your staff with a robust and functional IT infrastructure in which to maintain operational efficiency, and keep your business moving forward. Some of the network security services we provide include:

  • Monitoring and Management – Most of the problems the average small business has with its technology, don’t have to be problems at all. With our certified technicians continuously monitoring your network, they will identify and remove any suspicious entities, producing fewer technology problems and substantially reduced downtime.
  • Unified Threat Management – For the company that is looking for an enterprise-level upgrade to their network security, the unified threat management platform (UTM) provides an antivirus, firewall, content filter, and a spam blocker to ensure that you have all your bases covered.
  • Mobile Device Management – Seemingly every business is going mobile. With our mobile device management solution, we can manage your organization’s mobile device deployments, as well as help you set up a mobile management strategy that includes a bring your own device strategy (BYOD).
  • Data Backup and Recovery – Data loss can be a game-changer for any business. That’s why it is important to have a strategy in place so that if/when data is lost, you can get that data back and working for you fast. Our Backup and Disaster Recovery platform provides in-house backup as well as cloud deployment to ensure that your data is redundantly protected.



Teaching your staff what to look for can go a long way toward maintaining the integrity of your technology.

Very few people understand technology at the server level. Those that do, know that the majority of your staff needs to have a few pointers in keeping your company’s network and infrastructure secure and running properly. DatCom, LLC’s IT professionals can provide systematic training of email, Internet, and mobile best practices. With the knowledge we provide, we can help you build a reliable, security-minded workforce that does more to mitigate problems than create them.

For more information about our comprehensive security solutions or a business security system for your company, our certified IT professionals, or how we help Texas businesses create reliable and functional IT for businesses of all sizes, call us today at (903) 842-2220.


Network Audit Services

Our network audit will reveal hidden problems, security vulnerabilities, and other issues lurking on your network.

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FREE IT Whitepaper

This whitepaper evaluates the differences between traditional technical support practices and modern managed IT practices and the pros and cons of both for small and medium businesses.

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