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Tip of the Week: Make Chrome Run Faster With These 3 Adjustments

If Google Chrome is your preferred web browser, then you might notice that, just like any other application, its performance may fluctuate. When you experience issues with Chrome, it’s important to keep in mind that you can take steps to remedy the problem. Here are...

Microsoft OneNote May Be the Best Note-Taking Tool on the Market

Most modern PCs come pre-installed with a handy tool by Microsoft called OneNote (and it’s also included with Office 365). Today, we’ll run through the features that OneNote offers that make it a useful business tool. Keep in mind, we’ll be focusing on OneNote 2016....

You Can Now Generate Power By Literally Folding Laundry

Wouldn’t it be convenient if you could charge your smartphone just by walking down the street? How about turning your tie into a voice-recognizing security system? Michigan State University has been working toward creating some great new tech that makes these...