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Why Windows Ink Is So Useful In The Business Setting

While computers, laptops, and tablets are incredible tools for productivity, there are many who miss the ability to scrawl out their ideas by hand. However, Microsoft has developed a means for your business to enjoy the benefits of both approaches with Windows Ink....

Tip of the Week: Making Your Excel Use Easier

When it comes to making a spreadsheet, Microsoft Excel is the go-to program for many users. However, many of these users spend much more time creating and formatting these spreadsheets than they have to. For today’s tip, we’ll outline some experience-improving...

Microsoft OneNote May Be the Best Note-Taking Tool on the Market

Most modern PCs come pre-installed with a handy tool by Microsoft called OneNote (and it’s also included with Office 365). Today, we’ll run through the features that OneNote offers that make it a useful business tool. Keep in mind, we’ll be focusing on OneNote 2016....

“The Worst” Windows Bug is Now Taken Care of, Thanks to Google

When a security researcher tweeted about what they thought was “the worst Windows remote code exec” in his memory, a recent incident came to mind: one that allowed a targeted file to implement remote code execution processes in order to manipulate any infected system....