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Tip of the Week: Using Your Computer to Its Full Potential

Your computer, and the many resources you use it to access, are made for utility. As a result, there is an assortment of useful features built into many commonly used systems and solutions. For this week’s tip, we’ll go over some of the shortcuts that you may not have...

“The Worst” Windows Bug is Now Taken Care of, Thanks to Google

When a security researcher tweeted about what they thought was “the worst Windows remote code exec” in his memory, a recent incident came to mind: one that allowed a targeted file to implement remote code execution processes in order to manipulate any infected system....

Tip of the Week: 5 Easy Ways to Move Several Files at Once

File storage is a staple in the office, and chances are that even your work desktop is jam-packed with files and folders that could use a bit of sorting. This might include moving all of your files to different locations, but you don’t have to move each one...