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Tip of the Week: Access Old Clipboard Content With ClipDiary

The Copy and Paste feature has long been a staple of computing, but it’s easy to lose something that may have once been stored on the clipboard. Most people who have used a PC understand this pain and will be happy to hear that recovering the lost “copy” might be...

Tip of the Week: 5 Steps You Can Take to Foil the Plans of Hackers

Hackers have the ability to cripple systems and steal important (or sensitive) data, and if you’re not careful your business could become their latest victim. Here are five ways that you can make it more difficult for hackers to infiltrate your systems and steal your...

Tip of the Week: Why You Should Be Wary of Using Public Wi-Fi

Wireless Internet connections, often referred to by the moniker Wi-Fi, have become a popular offering from public businesses. Even organizations that have no real need for an Internet connection to conduct business, like restaurants and coffee shops, now offer Wi-Fi...