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Next-Level Business Automation

This week, as promised, we will be taking a closer look at Data Processing Automation (DPA)!   It’s amazing how simple a revolutionary technology can be. The light bulb. The automobile. These inventions had a huge impact on the way people live. But what happens when...

A Sparkling Vision for Change Management

This week’s DatCom Business Briefing is all about managing change in business. And we’ll also talk a bit about the #quietquitting trend. Change management has long been a top-down process, but there’s a shift happening. The future of change in business is...

A Sparkling Vision for Change Management

Change management has long been a top-down process, but there’s a shift happening. The future of change in business is a continual process that empowers workers to be a bigger part of workplace transformation. Each worker will contribute more to optimizing systems and...

1 + 1 DOES NOT EQUAL 2. The Powerful Effects of Synergy

Most people struggle to make the best use of their time. It’s not an HR problem—it’s a human problem.  This human problem also adds up to a financial problem. Wasted time and inefficient employees rack up trillions of dollars in lost productivity every year. And...

The Way of Efficiency

Welcome back! This edition of the DatCom Business Briefing includes an overview of the 3 areas of business efficiency that are critical to the success of a company. You’ll also learn more about the EfficientMe Way of targeting these 3 areas to bring additional...