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Resilient Leadership and Technology

In this edition of the DatCom Business Briefing, we discuss:  Profiting from Resilient Leadership  Geek Squad v Genius Bar: Attitudes toward IT Support  Profiting from Resilient Leadership  You’re at work with emails piling up, phone calls to return, and your schedule...

A Perfect Day at Work

In this edition of the DatCom Business Briefing, you’ll read about:  A Perfect Day at Work  How tech stress impacts business performance  5 employee responses to IT frustration  3 ideas to solve tech problems and have more perfect days  When was the last time you had...

How People Change

Last week, we explained why staff enhancement is an essential follow-up to business automation. Now, we’ll look at the key method we use to develop employees in small businesses. It’s an optimization strategy well-known in Japan called the Kaizen method. And...

Why Staff Enhancement is Essential

Welcome back! So far, we’ve been talking about the value of Data Processing Automation (DPA). We’ve explained how it works and how much value it can bring speed and accuracy to computer-based business processes and thus, more earnings. But the thing we’re most...

Data Processing Automation for Your Industry

Last week, we examined the power of Data Processing Automation for boosting profits by automating critical business processes that rely on computers. This week, we will discuss applications for DPA across various industries such as banking, accounting, law firms, and...