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Accept Failure as Essential to Growth

It’s no secret to seasoned entrepreneurs that making mistakes is essential to business success. The real secret is how to overcome the personal struggle to pick yourself up and try again. The ability to face your mistakes and overcome obstacles is what distinguishes...

Hiring and Keeping your Promises

So, your office is hiring right now. Seems like there’s more work than your staff can handle. I hope it’s because your business is growing!  But it could mean that you’re falling behind and I know what it’s like.  Yes, as a business owner for 34 years, I’ve had...

Rescue Your Workers from Robotic Work

The Typical Office Employee  For many people, going to college was a way to escape the monotony, weariness, and uncertainty of low-wage jobs. Their parents punched a clock and stood on their feet all day. These college-bound people dreamed of having a fancy desk in a...

Scale Your business with DPA

Data Processing Automation has a powerful role to play in scaling your business. When you use software tools to automate mundane, repetitive, computer-based tasks, your people can then focus on higher value work that leads to business growth. That could be as simple...

How to Achieve Painless Payroll Processing.

Like many other financial processes at a business, payroll processing is tedious and tense. Employees want to know that their paycheck is going to come on time. This is particularly critical in smaller businesses where only a few people are responsible for payroll. If...